Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hightower now on The Murdock Report

that homespun texas populist is now a regular feature on the big show. be sure to catch it this and every tuesday on wgnu

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sylvester Brown Rocks!

Hey folks, just wanted to let you know that, if you missed the Murdock Report this week, you missed a doozy! Sylvester came on and had a lot of great ideas about the urban food desert dillema, plus we got some insight on his stint at the Post Dispatch.
You can check out his site at Sylvester Brown Jr.
Next week, as promised, we'll have Dr. Susan Lerner of Common Cause on, where she'll tell us about the conflict of interest involving the Citizens' United ruling.
Veddy, veddy interesting....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wow, what a show!!!

We have to thank our guests for an entertaining and informative program, Katrina Vanden Heuvel of the Nation magazine,and Steve Gregali, special assistant to Mayor Francis Slay.
Kenny and I are completely blown away!
If you missed it, go to WGNU's website and check out the podcast.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

On the January 18th edition of the Murdock Report...

Hey folks,
My apologies for the lack of activity on the ol' bloggerino thingamajug. The Little Show That Could takes quite a big job to keep the standards we strive for. I will endeavor to be more diligent in the future.

All props to Mark Magus. The guy's a trooper,and I hope to have him on the show real soon.

Anyhow, We have couple great shows coming up. This week, we're talking about civility in the media
Craig Barnes, Common Cause National Governing Board Member. He's an author, playwright, radio host, and Founderof Common Cause Colorado he'll address how media influences people’s attitudes and the way we communicate with each other.

Well also have an interview with author Jessica Harris, whose book "High on the Hog", a new perspective on our country's food traditions and how African Americans helped shape everyone's diet, and how slavery altered theirs.

Next week, I'm really excited about. Steve Gregali from Mayor Slay's office will be on to give us a report on Slay's role at the US Confrerence of Mayors. Mayor Slay is the the Chair of the Jobs committee, so it will definitely an important meeting. Mayors do quite a lot for their communities at these types of events ecause they can from different realtionships with other cities, what works and what doesn't. Plus cities really need a new strategies to deal with a less friendly Congress who has more of an anti-urban bias.

Later in the show, we will do a preview of the State of The Union address with none other than Katrina Vanden Heuvel, editor & publisher of the Nation Magazine.
Persaonally, I'm almost giddy.
Gregali & Katrina on January 25th, Barnes & Harris on the 18th.

And I am outa here...