Thursday, December 2, 2010

Coming up on the Murdock Report

Here's who we have penciled in for the show in the next coming weeks:

On December 7th, former CIGNA exec-turned-whistleblower Wendell Potter joins us to talk about his latest book, "Deadly Spin". Wendell has worked tirelessly as an outspoken critic of corporate PR and the distortion and fear manufactured by America’s health insurance industry.  He's made frequent appearances on Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

December 14th will mark the return of Cathy Sherwin, Communications Director for the Missouri AFL-CIO to talk about the possible threat of the State of Misery going "Right to Work (is a RIPOFF)", and most likely tax cuts for the rich while the Party of NO lets us workin' folk starve and go homeless. We also have penciled in Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Let's hope he can join us.

We've got a show on the movies of the year planned for the 28th, and we will have our first movie ticket giveaway on the show for "Made in Dagenham", a story about how women in England fought the system, and WON, equal pay with men. Truly inspiring!
Be sure to tune in this and every Tuesday at high noon for the Murdock Report on WGNU 920 AM!

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